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Terrestrial Committee

This committee will work on terrestrial projects, help develop new projects for next year, review and provide advice, etc to the coordinator on terrestrial proposals, steps for the project, etc. They will monitor the terrestrial projects to ensure they are being done properly.



Marine Committee

This committee will work on marine projects, help develop new projects for next year, review and provide advice, etc to the coordinator on marine proposals, steps for the project, etc. They will monitor the terrestrial projects to ensure they are being done properly.



Fundraising Committee

This committee will help develop fundraising ideas, organize and help out with the activities (whenever possible). The committee will also suggest foundations, businesses, etc that are available and useful to approach for particular grant proposals for a specific project.



Volunteer Committee

This committee will coordinate with volunteers and get them actively involved in CPAWS-NL. Also, to get more volunteers involved and to ensure they have valuable jobs to do and are aware of all upcoming events, etc.




Membership Committee

This committee will lobby for new members to join CPAWS-NL. It will be an outreach type committee where it spreads the word about CPAWS-NL actively seeking people to join and get more involved. Also, to inform our present members of upcoming events, projects, newsletters, etc.

Communication (Website, Newsletter, Etc) Committee

This committee will be responsible for communicating with the public about CPAWS-NL efforts, projects, events, etc. They will maintain relevant up to date information on the website and deal with media on certain events. They will also help with the preparation of the newsletter to ensure it is done on time and properly. They will help with editing, articles, pictures, etc for the newsletter.

CPAWS-NL is always looking for volunteers to serve on these committees! If you’re interested, let us know!